Fun and Friendship Forever! Fun and Friendship Forever!

Butterfly Book Club

Let's get ready to read!
How about a classic? Do you have a biography or best seller in mind? Maybe there is an author you've always wanted to read. Now's your chance to select a book and read it with your friends and neighbors!

Open this file and
Copy and Paste these
Book Club emails into
Evite for your invitation.

Book Club Emails for Evite
Text document [44.2 KB]

Butterfly Fun Night

Want to get together for some 3rd Thursday gatherings?
Bowling was a blast, so let's do that again. A cooking class or something artsy craftsy sounds fun.
Couples or girls' night-you decide! The more, the merrier-so send me contact info for anyone who wants to join us.

When we schedule
a Fun Night,
I will post email addresses
to Copy and Paste
 into Evite for invitations.

Book Club

We meet the 1st Monday of the month at 7p.m.

Check the Book Club web page for details.
Please feel free to invite your friends to join us at book club-the more the merrier! Don't feel obligated to host...just come for the discussion.
If you choose to host, please email the members about 2 weeks before book club--this helps those who have not yet started reading! The host provides a list of discussion questions and serves drinks and a snack or a dessert.

Thanks to everyone for making our book club gatherings some of my very favorite days.

Fun Night

We meet the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7p.m.

Check the Fun Night page for details.
Want to be part of a monthly social club that gets together to relax and have fun? The host makes the plan and sends an Evite. If you host at home-keep it very simple-drinks, an appetizer or dessert is perfect.
At past events, we played poker, watched movies, gone out to dinner, went bowling, canned vegetables, and had a pool party with a cocktail-making contest. Good times!

Check your email for an Evite and please RSVP so the host knows how many to expect.

“I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.”
Helen Keller

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